
TP in Myasnoy Bor under operation

On 6 June, a grand opening for public of Section 6 of Moscow - St. Petersburg M-11 Highway (from Veliky Novgorod to Vyshny Volochok) was held. Toll Plaza in Myasnoy Bor constructed as a part of Section 7 of M-11 Highway was also put into operation.

Length of the new section running through Tver and Novgorod Regions exceeds 200 km (km 334 - km 543). This is the first time in the contemporary history of Russia that such modern, comfortable and safe highway of that length is put into operation. Therefore, taking into account the existing sections of M-11 Highway bypassing Torzhok and Vishniy Volochok, drivers will be able to proceed uninterruptedly along the new Highway from Tver to Veliky Novgorod (from km 208 to km 543). This constitutes a half of M-11 Highway that will be put into operation as a whole by the end of 2018.

The Toll Plaza in Myasnoy Bor (TP-12) near Novgorod is constructed as a part of Section 7 implemented by “Two Capitals Highway” LLC. TP-12 is located at km 545 of the Highway at the traffic interchange of M-11 Highway and M-10 Rossiya Highway. The Toll Plaza has 3 entry traffic lanes, 6 exit traffic lanes and 2 reversible lanes which may be used for traveling in both directions. Length of the TP amounts to 334 m.

Light vehicles will be charged 356 rubles (if holding a T-pass transponder) and 660 rubles if paid by cash or bank card for traveling along 330 km section of the new M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg M-11 Highway in Tver and Novgorod Regions. WHSD transponder will allow a discount amounting to 20%. The Toll Plaza in Myasnoy Bor is outfitted with the most advanced equipment. Also, toll may be paid with the use of a smart-phone or smart-watch.

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