The company Two Capitals Highway received the national ROSINFRA award in the category “High-quality investments in infrastructure”. In this nomination, the jury was choosing a project that most closely matched the principles of high-quality investments in infrastructure approved by the G20 countries.
The G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment were adopted in 2019 at a meeting of finance ministers and Central Bank governors during the Japanese G20 presidency. According to the wording of the Principles, infrastructure is the engine of economic prosperity, which provides a solid foundation for strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth and development. The principles include increasing the positive impact of infrastructure on achieving the goals of sustainable development and growth of the national economy, increasing economic efficiency throughout the entire life cycle of the project, integrating environmental aspects into infrastructure investments, improving the quality of infrastructure management, etc.
The CEO of Two Capitals Highway, Anton Novikov, notes that M11 has been the major infrastructure construction project in Russia in recent years, and the hopes were justified: the demand for the route is very high: “In summer, the traffic broke all records, when 30-35 thousand cars passed through our section per day, although we expected approximately 20 thousand. We are proud of the result of our work and are glad that our project is also the best among high-quality investment projects.” Investments into the project exceeded 80 bn rubles; among them, the share of the state capital grant is 57.6 bn rubles, while the remaining portion consists of investments (loans and funds received from the sale of bonds).
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