At the end of October, “Two Capitals Highway” LLC prepared and arranged release of almost 150 thousand specimens of cisco young into Ladoga Lake at the mouth of Burnaya River.
M-11 Highway is being constructed in compliance with the highest international environmental standards. The highway will be equipped with up-to-date local treatment facilities protecting water bodies from storm water, in addition, constructed wetlands will be arranged along the main line of the highway. Wildlife passages will be constructed at animal migration routes. Noise protection screens are planned to be installed near the residential areas affected by increased acoustic loads.
Environmental impact on aquatic biological resources and their habitat is strictly controlled in the course of the construction. As a part of environmental protection measures, construction of bridges is characterized by minimized temporary right-of-way areas located on coastal strips of water protection areas. Restrictions in work performance are set during the periods of spawning and feeding of young in order to protect spawning species. Environmental specialists of “Two Capitals Highway” LLC conduct regular inspections of the highway in order to control the subcontracting companies’ compliance with the environmental legislation.
Also, environmental specialists performed assessment of a negative impact of the construction works on aquatic biological resources and developed an action plan for their artificial reproduction. At the end of October 2018, “Two Capitals Highway” LLC prepared and arranged release of almost 150 specimens of cisco young into Ladoga Lake. Cisco young were bred at a fishing farm close to Sosnovo Village at the shore of Sukhodolskoye Lake. A truck outfitted with special tanks for fish transportation was running from the fish farm to the mouth of Burnaya River and back to deliver almost 150 thousand specimens of cisco young. The mission was completed successfully and all the fish was safely released to the lake.
The section km 543 - km 610 of the highway runs over the catchment area of Volkhov River, crosses Pitba, Polist, Glushitsa, Kerest, Ravan, Khutan, Tigoda, Sicheva rivers and about 40 streams, ravines and reclamation ditches.
The section km 610 - km 684 of the highway runs over the catchment area of Neva River, crosses Sunya, Suvatel, Ushachka, Tosna, Izhora, Slavyanka, Popova Izhorka, Kuzminka, Volkovka, Pulkovka rivers, and about 50 streams, ravines and reclamation ditches.
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